Stylish Manicures in Chichester

Charlotte’s Nails is a thriving nail salon offering manicures in Chichester. Our services also include pedicures, not to mention our hugely popular children’s pamper parties where your daughter can feel like a princess for the day! Visit us on West Street in Chichester for expert attention from local, established nail specialists.

Manicures in Chichester

Our Services

  • Manicures
  • Acrylics, BIAB & Gel nails
  • Children’s pamper parties
  • Pedicures
  • Personal Service

All About Our Services

Our speciality is, of course, nails and nail treatments. Our promise to you is that we will work magic and make your nails look amazing. Whether you’re tempted by BIAB, acrylic or gel nails or would just like a manicure, file and paint, you’ll receive the very best of our attention. Perhaps you’d like to give your feet a treat? Then why not book a pedicure, separately or in conjunction with a manicure. We’ll ease tired toes, soften skin and nurture your nails so you leave our premises rejuvenated and refreshed.

Pamper Parties to Impress

We aim to help you make the most of what we have to offer, so have combined some of our most popular treatments into mini-pamper sessions, which you’ll find under Combination Deals on our price list. We also host children’s pamper parties, where the birthday girl and her small party of friends can choose a selection of mini-treatments, all designed with age-appropriateness in mind and complemented with refreshments.

We’re friendly and flexible, so if you don’t find the information or treatment you are looking for on our website, just pick up the phone, drop us an email or call into the salon, and we’ll do our best to assist. We look forward to seeing you.

nail salon in chichester

"...All I can say is thank you so much, my nails are perfect!! Lovely salon ( completely spotless). I went in at 5pm but was made to feel super welcome and didn’t feel rushed at all..."

Aimee W


Local established nail specialists in Chichester and one of the only salons in the region offering children's pamper parties. Call today to book an appointment: 01243 787 985